Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Versus- Period 6

As a teacher, I am constantly barraged with "This __ is better than __."  There are always mini competitions going on at all times.  For example: Kobe vs. Lebron; Harry Potter vs. Twilight; X-box vs. Playstation; McDonald's vs. Burger King; basketball vs. football; red vs. blue; Yu-gi-oh vs. Pokemon; Old Navy vs. Forever 21; Harvard vs. Yale; UT vs. A&M; Batman vs. Superman and the list goes on.

Identify a mini competition you feel strongly about.  What or who is the competition between.  (It does NOT have to be one of the ones listed.)  Why are these two things/ people in competition?  Discuss which side you take.  Why do you prefer the side you picked?  What makes it better?

You may discuss more than one competition.  PLEASE KEEP IT SCHOOL APPROPRIATE.  Use logic and not just insults towards the other side.

Four or more sentences to post and two or more to reply.